When planning the demolition of a building, it is important to have a valid as-built model prior to starting the demolition. When using OrthoGraph it will not only provide this model, but reusable materials, objects can also be recorded prior to the demolition. With a proper survey waste material planning can easily be created directly from the system.

Rapid preparation for the demolition
Speed is always a key questions, it is always about money. By using OrthoGraph a typical office building of 15-20 000m² can be captured within some weeks. This not only applies to the floor plan, but also it can include the recording of all objects in the building. If the surveying parameters are defined properly, then the condition and any additional parameter of all objects can also be recorded to them.
When the capturing is done, then the native Excel export of OrthoGraph can be used to gather every important information out of the Operational BIM. Such are which sanitary might be reused, which doors, windows or any built-in elements are in a condition that is worth to save before demolition.
For those elements that will be demolished OrthoGraph provides a volume calculation to support waste management planning. This applies both for all built-in elements, surveyed floorings, baseboard and cladding materials, but also for walls also taking into account all holes in them for the openings. The calculation is accurate for supporting all required planning.
What’s the result?
Accurate data for recycling, tendering and detailed planning only in a few weeks from idea to processing.
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Rapid Survey Concept
Orthograph for Constructions
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