The longest and most expensive part in a building’s life-cycle, is the 30-50 year long period, when the building is in-use, operated. The total cost of this period is approximately ten times as much as the building’s construction cost. By using OrthoGraph’s technology to facilitate building operation you can save up to 10-20% of all these continuous costs – which amount is in the range of the original construction cost.

It is widely known in the industry, that computer aided facility management systems can achieve the above mentioned 10-20% level of cost reduction. However experience shows that the savings fully appear only in the first 1-3 years. Later on as the virtual model is losing connection with the ever changing reality the building data becomes gradually obsolete and useless. OrthoGraph is resolving this issue as the necessary building data can be kept up to date by the regular maintenance crew as part of their daily work. As a result the desired 10-20% cost reduction remains achievable throughout the complete life cycle at low data maintenance cost.

Does OrthoGraph require significant investment in time and cost? No. As-built BIM models of existing or new buildings are created with simple tools but with high efficiency and accuracy – during days. No point clouds, no complicated and expensive equipment, still great results.

Made you interested? Then request a live demo by clicking here and see how OrthoGraph  achieves this.
You won’t believe your own eyes.
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