The “Tungsram-iLex Innovation Market powered by BCE-BIK KKV” has already more than 100 Hungarian companies listed. For the most part, these companies are working not only in the Hungarian market, but already beyond it also in the international market.

Based on the achievements of OrthoGraph, the company was included in the 10 most innovative Hungarian SMEs, and the company was awarded at an awards ceremony by representatives of Tungsram and iLex, as well as other prominent representatives of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology and key market players of the Hungarian market. The participants of the event could learn our technology in a short presentation held there live by Adam Korbuly, one of the founders of the company. As immediate feedback, we not only gained openness to cooperation, but also an action plan outlined to build and deepen relationships.

More information about the award and the initiative can be found in the following article in Hungarian: