When is the right time to start with Operational BIM? Anytime! From the moment the walls of your building are standing until its final phase, prior to demolition. The earlier, the better. Take it from our experience with Futureal Group, Hungary’s largest construction company at Etele Plaza.

OrthoGrap Pro with all tools needed

OrthoGraph was the choice for Futureal Group during the construction of Etele Plaza, where they aimed to create detailed building documentations of all corridors with a focus on facility management. With the building structure and built-in assets still accessible during construction, the resulting Operational BIM documentation provided high value and detailed graphical asset inventory, not just during construction but also throughout the building’s entire usage lifecycle.

We both provided the Operational BIM including the inventory of assets, and also made laser scans to document all pipes and building structural elements before covering them. They together provide instantly available accounting data with surfaces, amount of built-in assets with their positions, photos of points of interests and by the point cloud a measurable building for those measures, which nobody tought will be interesting at the time of capture. 

During construction, OrthoGraph can be used to inventory all built-in assets and layout changes – also storing all change history. If there is a breakdown in any of the newly built-in assets, such as a broken window, a scratched wall or a misplaced fuse box, then all this can instantly be recorded onsite with attached photos, notes, and even sounds. This ensures that all information is accurately captured and easily accessible for future reference.

Thank you for giving us a great support Gergely Geosits during and after the project. We wish to work together with you and your team and bring innovation also in your future projects.

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